The Buds (12-14yo)
Middle School is primarily when students first begin to feel self conscious because they are changing so much – intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. They want to develop new and different kinds of social connections, but they feel more self-conscious than ever before.
At Lady Blossoms, we acknowledge that middle schoolers confront a unique set of challenges. They are not like either elementary or high school students. They have an adult sense of themselves yet still retain the innocence and simplicity of childhood. They crave independence, but they still need direction and discipline.
Learning at Lady Blossoms is FUN! We connect what students are thinking, feeling, and going through with real-life situations and examples of leadership – things that are important to them that they can see happening in the real world or on social media. We connect our discussions to news stories and all things social media that they've heard of or appeal to them.
The transition to Middle School is a significant step for every student. We offer a supportive environment to help students grow and develop by giving them the abilities and skills they need. Our focus is on independence with support, helping our students grow into well adjusted adults who will thrive in society no matter their unique make up of mental and emotional presets. Students learn to solve complex problems, draw conclusions from data, and express their thoughts through carefully crafted words and writing in The Buds. This prepares them for the skills crucial for success in the college prep Upper School.